Educational Services Commission
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Administrative Offices

37 Hoffmans Crossing Road
Califon, NJ 07830
Phone (908) 439-4280
Fax (908) 975-3753

Corinne Steinmetz, Superintendent x4501                                                              csteinmetz@hunterdonesc.org

Heidi Gara, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary  x4503                              hgara@hunterdonesc.org

The Educational Services Commission was organized under the Education Laws of the State of New Jersey in 1979. The Commission has no tax base and receives no state aid for its operations. Its income is derived primarily from fees for services with a small amount raised from various grants. All assets belong to its member districts.

Our Mission

"Our mission is to help communities discover and realize their life-long potential by providing superior programs and services at exceptional value, which are responsive to their educational, cultural and leisure time needs."


The ESC is governed by a Representative Assembly consisting of one Board of Education member from each of its member school districts. The Assembly meets twice yearly; in June to reorganize, approve the Commission's annual goals and objectives and to elect not fewer than fifteen of its members to serve on the Board of Directors: and in January to approve the next fiscal year's budget. The Board of Directors meets monthly to provide oversight of the Commission's operations and appoints six standing committees who meet on an as needed basis and work with the Superintendent and selected managers to develop policies and various plans for Board review, consideration and action. The standing committees are Executive, Policy, Finance, Programs and Services, Public Relations, Personnel and Buildings and Grounds.


Report Fraud

Report concerns you may have regarding fraud, significant unusual transactions or related party
transactions anonymously by calling the Hunterdon County ESC Auditor directly:

Supplee, Clooney & Company
Certified Public Accountants
Phone (908) 789-9300








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